Wednesday, June 1, 2011



Why can't I reach forward?
I can look back?
Why can't I just take one step?
I want to go past.
What is this purpose?
What are Your plans?
Show me, show me, LORD!
Take me by Your hand.
I want to live for You.
In everything I do,
Tell everyone about You,
Because Your word is true!
I want to go to the ends of the earth,
Speak to unknown tribes.
Where my language to them,
Only you can describe.
For timing is something I need to keep
And understand You have my timer
When in time, You’ll set it off
Until then, I’ll stick to Your Rhymers!
And in my heart I remain to believe;
That only by You, this can be done!
For You love me so much,
That you sent your One, and only Son!