Sunday, September 2, 2012

What God has been doing this summer!

Hello all,

Sorry I've not been able to update you all summer. It has been a really busy one... Anyway, let me just start from the beginning.

When I first got to the Inn where I was working, I was scared! No, scratch that, I was terrified! I did not even talk to anyone for the first couple of hours except my counsellor who introduced herself. Then I started to meet some people who I would be working with. You know when you are in a new situation, place, or event, your first impression on people really is not accurate. Mine was that I was not going to like or get along with anyone all summer. That was definitely not accurate at all! After being there a few days, I began to warm up and talk to people more. The whole first week I was there I did not work at all because I had to attend a bunch of training meetings. They went over a ton of policies.

The second week is where it really started. I had to work Monday through Saturday, 8-9 hours a day. I first thought that I was going to have a really easy job and that I was going to stay comfortable all summer. After being there the first day of work, I quickly realized that was not going to be the case. In fact, quite the opposite-- it was the hardest thing I've ever done. Anyway, that first week God really showed me that I needed to rely on Him more. Being home I was pretty comfortable with my family and friends that surrounded me. But at the Inn, I had no one I knew. At first I felt really alone and even contemplated coming home a few times. But once I set my mind on turning my focus off myself and onto God, I began to feel at ease. My relationship grew a lot too.

It was the third week was my most challenging week. The Inn was doing creation week and had Ken Ham and Buddy Davis as their speakers. We had a LOT of kids. It was hard for me because I was
not used to that many kids. It was also challenging because after being cooped up with the same people for for that long (and when I say cooped up, I mean we ate together, we worked together, we hung out together, you get the point...) there began to be a little drama. I had already gone into it with the mindset of not getting involved with "cliques" or anything, so I stayed out of it. But I was still involved because I was there and there was no way of not getting involve (if that makes sense). If people know me, they know I hate confrontation of any type and I'd rather avoid it at all cost. I am glad that there was some though because it made me get over my fear and it really made everyone in the group a lot closer and able to work better together.

I know I am jumping around a lot, there is just so much that happened and my mind is running right now.... So another thing God taught me was through a meeting I attended. The topic was on people pleasing. That is where I think God spoke the most to me. It made me realise that I needed to stop worrying about what people are thinking and if I'm going to be accepted by them. It is God who I need to be worried about pleasing, not others.

After I finished at the Inn, I came over to the BI (Bible Institute) and am working in the Summer Work Program. That too was way different then I expected. It is a lot of work which include a lot of random jobs. The first day I got there they had me working in the kitchen and working dinner for the graduation. I had never been in a kitchen before-- like a legit one, anyway. It was really hard because you have the chef telling you to go get stuff out of freezers (and each freezer is a room), taking meals out to the buffet line and cleaning various things. That was hard for one because there is like a million freezers in the kitchen, so I was always not sure which one. And for two, I did not even know my way around the kitchen. Not to mention I I had to be in the kitchen at 6:15 and I was working past midnight the night before... After being in the kitchen I pretty much did a lot of painting. And a little cleaning, but mostly painting.

After looking back on the summer, it was really hard, but definitely the best summer I've had so far. I can see how God has been working so far and I'm really excited to see how he will continue to work this school year.

Again, I apologize for skipping all over the place and maybe not even making much sense.


  1. HEY!!! I've been a little worried about you but Ash said this morning you lost your phone :)

    Sounds like it's been an awesome time ~ I'm sure it didn't always feel like it, but to be able to look back now and see how God worked and kept you each step of the way makes it awesome.

    Assuming you have a new address ... email it to me if you're able ♥

    Praying for you :)

  2. Hey Carey! Just happened to find your blog and - what do ya know! - you posted today!

    Glad to hear you've had a great summer and that God's been working! (And that you've been working too, of course) ;D

    Praying His blessings over the rest of this year!

  3. Hello! Thinking and praying for you! ♥ Glad to see God is working!!
