Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Birthday, Little Buddy!

 At this time, about 7 years ago, I was awaiting the the hardest thing that had ever happened to me. It started out scary, then turned into excitement, that... well, I will just tell you. My mom had my baby brother, Samuel. He was born into this world, and then just as fast as he was born, he was gone. I will never forget that experience-- ever. He would be seven in just a few hours.

I do not know why he had to go so fast, all I know is he did. God had His reasons. Sometime they seem like horrible things, but only God has the full picture. All though I will never get to spend time with him and celebrate his birthday here on earth, I know he is up in heaven and will be happy when we can all see him.

Happy  Birthday, little buddy.


  1. <3 awl :(
    im also praying for you Carebear <3

    *hugs tight* Love ya!
